The Daniel R. and Anne M. Harper Foundation supports work in the areas of interest described below. While previous or current grantees are referred to here, this is done for the purpose of illustrating the Foundation’s previous giving and not intended as a commitment to any specific organization.
Illness & Disease
Organizations and institutions committed to curing illness and disease.
The Harpers have given generously to organizations such as the Cystic Fibrosis Association, the American Heart Association, the March of Dimes, and the American Lung Association. The Foundation supports these and other similar organizations.
Advancement of Science
Organizations which are dedicated to the advancement of science.
Exploring science and nature has been important to the Harpers, and the Foundation has assisted organizations such as the Children’s Science Center and the Calusa Nature Center. Both of these entities have programs that challenge the minds of the young and old alike and feed our curiosity about the world around us.
Assist schools and educational institutions.
The education of children has always been an important issue for the Harpers. They have generously contributed to several local public and private schools and, through the Foundation, intend to support quality educational institutions such as the Southwest Florida Christian Academy, Bishop Verot High School, and the Evangelical Christian School.
Youth Development
Assist youth and community organizations dedicated to assisting children.
The Harpers recognize that a community’s commitment to its children cannot stop with their formal education, but rather programs such as the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and the YMCA are fundamental to developing the full potential of our children. The Foundation assists organizations which, through diverse programming, build the character of, challenge, delight and otherwise enrich the youth of our community.
Religious Organization
Assist religious organizations further their purposes.
The Foundation has assisted Cypress Lake Baptist Church, McGregor Baptist Church, and other religious institutions further their purposes.
Economically Disadvantaged Communities
Assist organizations which provide relief for the poor, distressed and underprivileged.
The Harpers, as good neighbors, have always provided a hand to those in need. The Foundation has contributed to organizations such as Meals on Wheels, Good Wheels, The Soup Kitchen, and the Nations Association, all programs designed to provide a hand for those in need.